Wooden door canopy

If you ask yourself the question of why you should not buy a wooden ceiling but instead a sheet metal or glass door canopy from us at Designtak, the answer is quite simple. A wooden roof is not maintenance-free, it is heavy, is usually delivered unassembled and unpainted and at least you need the help of a knowledgeable sheet metal reporter for the roofing itself. You can also fix lighting and electricity yourself, ie. consult a qualified electrician. 

You might be able to build one yourself but it is time consuming and the result may not be as you thought.

In addition, an entrance roof in wood must be repainted to look fresh and after a number of years you probably need to replace parts of the roof as wooden roofs are sensitive to moisture, rain and snow.

When choosing a model, it's safe to say your choice should be between a sheet metal roof or a glass roof. Whatever you choose, all our models are available in different colors and widths. 

Now the details follow: do you want the water discharge to the right or to the left? Do you want light sources in your door canopy? If your house is a new building, your architect can easily download drawings from our website via Bimobject. 

A door canopy from Designtak is very easy to install thanks to the unique aluminum construction which also contributes to the low weight. Here on the website you will also find installation instructions, maintenance advice and dimension sketches - all to make it easier for you when you get your roof back. There are also video instructions to download. A door canopy from Designtak is one of the market's most maintenance-free door canopies of sheet metal. It is handcrafted, has building standards and is CE marked according to EN1090. A door canopy from us is like a self-designed, traditional, site-built sheet metal roof, but considerably more affordable. It gives your entrance a decent face lift whichever model you choose and you can feel confident in your choice to choose a roof from Designtak - Sweden's largest supplier of door canopies.
